At the DMZ.

The fabulous design of the roof of the beautiful, impressive Gyeongbokgung Palace. Zoom in to see the fascinating details.

Gyeongbokgung Palace.

A beautiful traditional shamanist statue, in the garden of the national folk museum in Seoul.

On Ingwansan, the shamanist mountain near Seoul.

The nice Anglican church of Seoul; an interesting mix of European neo-styles and traditional Korean roof structures.

板 門店(日本語ではんもんてん、韓国語でパンムンジョン)という北朝鮮と韓国の国境線にある場所に行きました。あの場所は、現実のものではなさそうで、「こ れは幻想かな」という気持ちがあって、軍人もガイドもほかの観光客も皆で一緒に非劇を演じているみたいでした。国境ということも、民族と国なども人間が自 分でイデオロギーと権力を守るために作った概念だけではないでしょうか。
韓国で生まれた人と北朝鮮で生まれた人の違いは何でしょうか? この240キロの長さの柵だけです。

We visited Panmunjeon, the border between North- and South Korea. When we were in the negotiating room that is located right on the borderline (two meanings can apply here...) we actually crossed that line - the power of absurdity. South Korean soldiers were watching their inner thoughts as they were being photographed while standing frozen - their fists prepared for whatever invasion might occur. Everybody seemed to fully accept the illusionary world we had entered - or had actually been in all the time before, without ever noticing it.

La face de la Corée du Nord. Un seul soldat qui nous regard. Je voudrais savoir ce qu'il pense... Né dans un pays qui ne lui jamais permettra d'aller voir le pays de sa famille, le pays dont la face il voit tous les jours - qu'est-ce qu'il pense de ce pays, de sa famille? Je voudrais voir ses yeux, pour que je le comprenne. Mais il est trop loin. Trop loin.

Yoido Sunbogeum (Full Gospel) Church, home to the largest single congregation in the world. Sunbogeum, which has some 800,000 members, is the largest independent Korean pentecostal denomination. It is an interesting mix of fundamentalist christian faith, shamanist influences, modernity and money, that is growing with an immense speed - internationally. Check http://members.cox.net/pctiicyberj/synan.html for more information.
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